Birthing Truth: A Collection Of Freebirth Stories

Emilee Saldaya
Mallory Chooses Freebirth

Mallory Chooses Freebirth

I felt a gush of water come out and the baby dropped into my pelvis--I knew it was close! I stood up in the bathtub and held onto the shower rod for support. After a moment where everything seemed to stop, I had one strong sensation and I pushed with it.I cried with relief because, for a moment, I second guessed myself and the process that I chose, but I remembered the affirmations from the Complete Guide: "My body opens like a flower," and "I'm okay, you're okay, we're okay."My husband held his hands under me as my daughter emerged,...

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Emilee Saldaya
Tina’s Freebirth in Australia

Tina’s Freebirth in Australia

My second son Tully was born free at home into my hands and surrounded by his papa and big brother after less than an hour of labour. The wildest, most intense, humbling, and surreal experience of my life

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Emilee Saldaya
Madison's Psychedelic Freebirth

Madison's Psychedelic Freebirth

I decided to get out of the tub and try and rest in between waves.  Once I got in the bed, I started feeling pushy, and after a couple of hours, I felt my baby’s head emerge!  I yelled out that I wanted to finish in the tub, but as soon as I stood up, the sac exploded and I proceeded to make the most guttural sounds as my son finished being born.  

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Emilee Saldaya
Maria's Second Freebirth in Finland

Maria's Second Freebirth in Finland

I untangled the cord around his neck and lifted him on my breasts. He was quiet--still asleep.  No breath, no cries. I stroked him, welcoming him into this world, kissing him, and waiting for his first breath, which finally happened a few minutes after he was born.

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