Birthing Truth: A Collection Of Freebirth Stories

Emilee Saldaya
River’s Birth and Postpartum Story

River’s Birth and Postpartum Story

I tried to light the candles on my altar myself, however I would light the match and then get struck with another surge 10 seconds after the previous. I surrendered lighting candles and stayed on the floor, waiting for the pool to inflate and fill. I needed to get into water. After holding back my vocalisation as I didn’t want to wake up Sage sleeping next door, I thought to myself “what am I doing?! I am making this so much harder for myself trying to contain it!” So I just let the primal roars release from my gut, my...

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Emilee Saldaya
Freebirth story of Aaor, 4th baby 3rd born free!

Freebirth story of Aaor, 4th baby 3rd born free!

~Our Dance~ It is always a bit of a challenge to determine when labor actually starts.  There is so much work done in each pregnancy. We could start at conception or even before if we were to really address the labor, emotional and physical, which women venture through leading up to birth. For me it was accepting things as they are.  Waiting patiently and reminding myself that we were having our slow dance and it was a hard space to be in but beautiful and exactly what I wished for.  I thought for sure my baby would arrive in April....

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Emilee Saldaya
The Freebirth of Hannah Jane Wooten

The Freebirth of Hannah Jane Wooten

The contractions were back to back. Only giving me about 30 seconds between to rest. My body would bear down and babies head would began to stretch me, then they would go back inside. After each contraction babies head would go less and less further inside of me. When babies head was at the widest point, I had a contraction and maybe 10 seconds to rest before the next one started. At the point babies head was staying out and not going back inside. The next contraction I felt pain and yelled out that it hurt. I told myself to...

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Emilee Saldaya
Stephanie's Freebirth

Stephanie's Freebirth

During that hiatus from the noise, I walked outside in my robe and bare feet, to connect with the earth again. I walked to our huge oak tree, placed my hands on it, looked up into the swaying branches, and said “I am grounded and safe. My roots go deep. No wind of my own rushes can blow me down. I am Birth. I own this.” I inhaled slowly the scent of rain and felt the drops plip plip plip on my tired face, like a caress. My energy was renewed and walked back into my nest to continue my...

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