Birthing Truth: A Collection Of Freebirth Stories

Emilee Saldaya
UBAC Birth Story of Leonardo Alfredo

UBAC Birth Story of Leonardo Alfredo

My contractions slowed down to give me a break when my toddler woke up. I was exhausted and knew my body just was resting before things were going to pick up. My husband encouraged me to move around and told me that baby would be here by noon if I get in a good mindset. At 9 am I started to squat against the oven and deeply breathe/moan in a squat during each contraction. These were starting to really hurt but I knew we had to be getting close.

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Emilee Saldaya
Cora's Unhindered, Frank Breech, Freebirth

Cora's Unhindered, Frank Breech, Freebirth

I had a few more contractions and tried to stay with my low tones and keep my jaw relaxed but there was so much pressure, I reached and felt again and baby hadn't really moved. I remember saying "She hasn't really moved". I then reassured myself my body and baby were working together and I couldn't rush it. I got a little more upright and got ready for the next contraction. I then turned back and laid my back against the stool in the birth pool. At this point I remember smiling between contractions, I was happy, almost euphoric. I...

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Emilee Saldaya
Birthing in Power After a Traumatic Birth

Birthing in Power After a Traumatic Birth

He was stunningly beautiful, wide-eyed, and didn’t cry. I wept with joy and disbelief. He shat all over my stomach. I had never been higher in my life. If you looked at my face in those minutes after birth, you would have thought that I had just spent the last 6 hours dancing all night, on boatloads of Ecstasy. Or that I had just had ten orgasms during the greatest night of marathon sex of my life. 

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Emilee Saldaya
The [secretly planned] Unassisted Birth After Cesarean of baby L

The [secretly planned] Unassisted Birth After Cesarean of baby L

We got our revenge. The day baby L was born, we too were (re)born as mother and father, right from the ashes of our previous (traumatic) experience. Thank you, L., for choosing us and giving us this opportunity! We are whole again. 

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