From Fear to Freedom

From Fear to Freedom

"The morning was kind of a blur- just riding the waves of birth and trying to rest between the really intense sensations. I had been up all night with surges getting more and more strong. I was laboring in bed, on the toilet facing backwards and laying my head on folded towels, and the bathtub all night. I was focusing on breathing deep and remembering my positive affirmations. I kept rubbing my belly and talking to my baby telling him how excited I was to meet him soon and that we were doing great."

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Emilee Saldaya
"I Can Do This On My Own"- Shyann's Freebirth Story

"I Can Do This On My Own"- Shyann's Freebirth Story

I was 38 weeks and felt mentally abused by my midwife. They continued to tell me that even if I had a vaginal birth, it was going to be very dangerous because she was posterior and my placenta was in the way (which it was not).   They decided to terminate care with me, and at that point I didn’t even want them at my birth.   After trying to figure out what was happening and what I was going to do, I felt abandoned. I felt so lost on what to do and scared about the possibilities. I finally...

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